Risk Analysis
Risk analysis is the bridge between information security needs and business needs. With a solid understanding of your risk, you're enabled to make informed decisions about prioritizing your security needs. Risk analysis maps out your areas of risk and helps you prioritize the most critical issues first.
A Positron Security risk analysis looks at the following areas:
- Are your external servers offering unnecessary services or configured insecurely?
- Is sensitive data exchanged in your web application handled securely and in accordance with best practices?
- Is your PCI and HIPAA data well-segmented and properly secured? Is it always transmitted using strong encryption with no known weaknesses?
- Which staff have access to sensitive data and what procedures are used to prevent data theft?
The answers to these questions will identify areas in your organization that introduce the most risk to your business. All findings are documented in a final report along with references and high-level recommendations suitable for a non-technical audience.
Please contact us for more information, or get a quote for our services.